Enhance Knowledge | EnhKnowTM , LLC
Technology Brokerage & Royalty Servicing


News and Events



Hackensack, February 17, 2025
AI (Artificial Intelligence) in our Systems

We are pleased to observe the improvement with AI (Artificial Intelleigence) of our computational platforms bearing intrinsic Decision-Making functionality, as is particularly apt in our Distributed Computing Controller Systems: Opubo Presents: Biotic Resource Electric Power Technologies.

Hackensack, February 17, 2025
We Are Hiring

We are pleased to observe that having finally started to bring the production operations of the internal businesses up online, we are now hiring for positions that have opened up as a result of the growth operations.

Hackensack, December 11, 2024
Viability Analytics Distributed Computing System

We are pleased to observe that the production software for computing the Viability Analytics has been redeployed under a new Physical Design of Distributed Computing System of eight-servers tracks Middle Tier resulting in significant performance improvement

Hackensack, November 22, 2024
Making Viability Analytics Another Arsenal in Management ToolKit

Corporation Viability Analytics gives every corporate Management something to work with, but the active rethinking of the Performance Analytics into Descriptive Parameters consisting of Standard and Derivative Parameters embodying the Transition State within one dataset analytics reaches a milestone

Hackensack, November 4, 2024
Opubo Presents: Technology Presentations on YouTube

We are pleased to advise that the firm has launched its Technology and Adoption Brokerages sales activities by Technology Presentations on Opubo Presents on YouTube Presence.

Hackensack, October 25, 2024
@EnhanceKnowledgeLLC: YouTube Presence Webpage

We are pleased to advise that the firm has created a YouTube Presence Webpage @EnhanceknowledgeLLC that should increasingly become more informative as more contents and videos are added.

Hackensack, October 10, 2024
Investor Corner: Funds and Sponsorships

We are pleased to advise that the Funds and Sponsorship program has now come live and investors and financiers are invited to sign up sponsorships for Funds for financing early Stage Ventures.

Hackensack, September 27, 2024
Early Stage Investment Reporting
We are pleased to observe that the company has starting providing Early Stage Investment Reports to subscribed Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists; and sign-up for notification is real straightforward.

Hackensack, September 6, 2024
Early Adopter Focus Group for Cancer Chemical Environment Assay

We are pleased to advise that the company is actively forming Early Adopters Focus Group for its assay-data of Cancer Chemical Environment computational assay. Focus Groups will be set up in most countries where six cancer facilities opt to join. All cancer facilities in every country is invited to join Focus Groups

Hackensack September 3, 2024
Transitioning to Fully Fledged Operating Company

We are pleased to observe that finalizing the build up of its core: Sales and Production structures, the company started transitioning from the Business Model validation phase into a fully fledged operating company, with the hiring its critical human resources of 35 staffs filling critical operation positions, during the transitioning.

Hackensack, August 28, 2024
Fully SSL/TLS Secured eMails

We are pleased to note that our email communication system is now fully operational with active security of all information exchange with the ".enhknow.com" address

Hackensack, August 15, 2024
Stabilized Data-Centers Web-Stores
We are pleased to advise that our Data-Centers Web-Stores developed for self-service procurement of data of corporations Viability Analytics and Human Body Chemical Environment now proffer pleasing stable operations.

Hackensack, July 26, 2024
Data-Centers StoreFronts Launch Plan
We are pleased to advise that having finally sequenced the launching of the Data Centers (same as the menu) all "Create Account" links has been disabled and with reactivation set in alignment with the launch of each Data Center.

Hackensack, July 19, 2024
Investors Direct-Access to Viability Analytics
We are pleased to advise that the Viability Analytics business has been fully reorganized in alignment with the Market Entry Path as adopted in 2022 following initial Market Research product introduction. The Viability Analytics Group currently avails investors direct access to analytics via the Data center

Hackensack June 28, 2024
Launched Eight Business Operation of Ventures Seeding Potentials
We are pleased to observe that eight business operations with potentials for seeding several ventures were launched under the singular menu, Data Centers; and we are, of course, developing them for the benefits  they promise to all stakeholders.

Hackensack June 24, 2024
Analyze Reactors LLC, EnhKnow Managed Adopter Venture Inception
We are pleased to advise that the Analyze Reactors LLC, as a test case Business Model of building production operations on which to found a company has been quite successful; and the adverting for staff hiring is progressing tenably.

Hackensack June 21, 2024
AnalyzeReactors[TM] Platform Launches with Data Confidentiality
We are pleased to advise that AnalyzeReactors, (www.analyzereactors.com) the reactor analysis Platform, has after some delays launched today, under In-System Confined Input Data Acceptance with Computed-Data Delivery without contact with staff ensuring Data Confidentiality.

Hackensack April 16, 2024
Launching AnalyzeReactorsTM Platform
We are pleased to advise that the online access point to the AnalyzeReactorsTM Platform, and elementary explanation of the scope of activities in performing the ay reactor analysis using the Platform got published in the related website, http://www.analyzereactors.com

Hackensack April 4, 2024
Upgrading Viability Analytics service
We are pleased to advise the upgrading of our Viability Analytics service so investors can register, and join investor groups granted access rights to the Viability Analytics of companies in which the investors already have or plan to have equity stake.

Hackensack April 3, 2024
Launching Managed Adopter Venture
We are pleased to advise that the firm launches the first Managed Adopter Venture, Analyze Reactors LLC, within next five business days. Reactor analysis is one of the most challenging tasks of process engineering so empowering the performing of task readily aid both reactor engineers and corporation with the need

Hackensack March 4, 2024
Expanded Analyses in Salivary Digestions

We are pleased to advise expanded analysis and the addition of initial and boundary conditions parameters in Food Digestion Analysis, enabling prospective extension to Esophageal Digestion presently.

Hackensack February 29, 2024
Food Digestion Analysis

We are pleased to advise the privilege of publishing the computations of food digestion in the mouth, as a take off both of Salivary Digestion and Biomarkers Feedback-on-health Analysis

Hackensack, February 16, 2024
Qualprean, Inc Prepares to File Reg A
Qualprean, Inc is being organized for Reg A Filing in the first step towards becoming a Public Company. Accordingly the Production Technology which embodies the Cancer Chemical Environment and Cancer Gene Morphology software is being subjected to extensive testing even as these software are being used for the purposes as explained.

Hackensack, December 19, 2023
Email Communication Advisory
We are pleased to advise that Email Communications with us by all email address of "@enhknow.com" is now active and has resumed effective today, December 19, 2023. We are grateful to all our business associates for the disposition to continuing conducting business with us

Hackensack, December 19, 2023
Colon Cancer Gene Computations
Starting in January 2024, we will be emailing out -- our performance reports on computations on protein morphology of colon cancers; to anyone requesting for copies.

Hackensack, December 11, 2023
Cancer Proteins Morphology Computations

Knowledge of cancer genes morphology informs on the operational Chemical Physics, and hence the radiolytic metabolic chemical reactions driver, of medical drug cocktail with cancer genes. Prepping to take-on computing assignments

Hackensack, November 21, 2023
Capital Investors Entrepreneurial Brokerage

We are please to observe through Farm-Produce Business, for capital investors comfort, the experiential guidance comprehensiveness -- in the Managed Adopter Venture Brokerage; for founding large corporation from Small and Mid-size Businesses as may be tasked by capital investors on such consignments.

Hackensack, November 16, 2023
Cancer Resource Center Launch
We are pleased to advise that the Cancer Resource Center launch has started; and the proffered services should presently become accessible to the general public.

Hackensack, October 10, 2023
Founder Workshop: A Preview with Farm-Produce Business
Principles of Corporation-Founding, as proffered in Founder workshop, are the contents of the publications, Farm-Produce Business, at enhknow.substack.com and serve a good preview for the Founder Workshop training contents.

Hackensack, October 9, 2023
Email Server Operational: More later
After months of challenges of growing pains with setting and configuring full-fledged internal IT System with Mail Server, we are pleased to advise that our Email Server is now operational. More advisory later...

Hackensack, July 12, 2023
Online Knowledge-Impart Book-Chapter Publications

We are pleased to observe that in keeping with our authoring For-Knowledge-Impart Books, we have started up an online publishing of Book-style chapters on Green Subsistence Farming at http://enhknow.substack.com that even proffers five entrepreneurial thrusts.

Hackensack, June 26, 2023
Cancer Curative Contexts: Ignition-Properties Bioactivity Guidance

HealthCare Medical group is pleased to advise that the computed bioactivity data of the well-known cure of colorectal cancer, reasoned to be compiled as Cancer Ignition-Properties Bioactivity Guidance --a generalized abstraction of cancer medication guidance; will be continually published in the Cancer Treatment Bioactivity online data-stop, but will be available on paid- access or subscription only.

Hackensack, June 12, 2023
Colorectal Cancer Biosynthesis Computing:

We are pleased to advise of having been informed that the Biosynthesis Computing Center computations of the Treatment Analysis of Colorectal Cancer will be published in four formats: In-Cell Biologics Morphology and Properties, and Metabolism; Cell Morphology and Biologics Aggregation Properties; Cancer Morphology and Cells Aggregation Properties; Cancer Bioactivity and Growth/Remission Dynamics.

Hackensack, June 9, 2023
Colorectal Cancer Cure Mechanism:

We are pleased to advise that the HealthCare Medicals consignment to the Biosynthesis Computing Center tasking full characterization of the curativeness of Colorectal Cancer Treatment as recently observed has been accepted. The availability of public domain data makes this choice easy to the end of shedding more light on the subject.

Hackensack, May 25, 2023
Cancer Biosynthesis Mechanism

The Pool Brokerage Division acting on the prospects of the self-licensed software, has formed a new SBU, Biosynthesis Computing Center, to undertake the computational discovery of Cancer Reaction-Sequence Nodes Mechanisms and consequentially the initiator-biologic for augmenting insightful cancer treatment.

Hackensack, May 25, 2023
Email Communications Resumption

We are pleased to advise that Email Communication with us should be resuming by end of week, May 27, 2023. Thank you, to all our business associates for your consideration and renewed disposition to resend the email communications so far delayed.

Hackensack, May 24, 2023
Pool Brokerage Forms New Group: HealthCare Medicals

Consequent on a new would-be self-licensed Biosynthesis Mechanism Computing software, the Pool Brokerage Division has formalized the forming of a new Department: HealthCare Medicals; to help leverage the software to empower medical professionals, with an immediate focus on Cancer Treatments Analyses

Hackensack, April 21, 2023
Email Communications Availability

Our emails communications have been unavailable as we busied to set up in-house Mail Server System. Please bear with us as we traverse this aspect of our growing pains. Our email communication availability and Mail server system should become live again in the immediate coming days. Readiness shall be posted as soon as the availability is reestablished. Thank you.

Hackensack, March 30, 2023
Cancer Registry Data Management System, Rel 1.0 Functionality Testing
The company has started pre-release private testing of its Cancer Registry DMS (Data Management System) of scheduled Rel. 1.0 of provisioning Registry Reports and Forensics Analyses

Hackensack, March 13, 2023
Data Center - Digital Production Facility
In attempt to induce more efficient use of our systems, the disparate but digital operations of the various Divisions have been grouped into a Data Center effectively creating digital production facility for the firm.

Hackensack, March 10, 2023
Government Suppliers Services
Towards recession-proof of the Pool Brokerage Division, a new SBU, Government Suppliers Services, has been created to contract and perform governments contracts. The SBU mostly utilizes self-licensed technology integrated from several technologies of the Technology Licensing depository

Hackensack, December 23, 2022
Filing Reg A+ Form 1A
We are pleased to observe that we are finally in the position of filing Form 1A within the next 48  Business hours. Three more sale-of-stocks permissions are expected to filed in the 2023 months

Hackensack, December 15, 2022
Assigned CIK for EDGAR filings
The company has been assigned CIK, hence satisfying requisite for the Adopter Brokerage Division to have filed with the SEC, company Registration, Financial documents and related documents enabling venture brokerage through the Capital Markets including Go Public.

Hackensack, November 15, 2022
Founder Workshops Launch Watch
The tasks of launching the Founder Workshop has now progressed the implementation of the supporting software on the custom Platform that has been developed to provide a stable training Workshop System. The system should be up and running about the 29th of this month, and entrepreneurs and founders are assured to get a Free Training Workshop.

Hackensack, October 7, 2022
Capital Markets Group

Capital Markets Group is being formed within the Finance Department in order to centralize the prospective Global participations of all Divisions of the firm in Capital Markets, and ensure compliance with the rules and regulations, and the norms of the markets.

Hackensack, August 16, 2022
Restaurants Viability Analytics Videos Series 3
The Viability Analytics Groups has released on the YouTube for public viewing, the Save Your Restaurants Video Series 3 as one of the Restaurants Viability Analytics video series for guidance for restaurateurs .

Hackensack, August 11, 2022
Founder Workshops Contents Designs

With the launching of the Founders Workshops business around the corner, and with the Training Contents-Designs having been finalized, the founders characterizations have been slightly adapted to better align with the objects of the workshops.

Hackensack, June 16, 2022
Restaurants Viability Analytics Videos Series 2
The Viability Analytics Groups released on the YouTube for public viewing, the Save Your Restaurants Video Series 2 as one of the Restaurants Viability Analytics video series for guidance for restauranteurs .

Hackensack, June 3, 2022
Adoption Brokerage Division Launches
The Adoption Brokerage Division launches its public-focus operations with the inception of the Invention Adoption Brokering, a mechanism for effecting inventions and invention ideas to be commercial including the development of invention ideas in empowering arm-chair inventors to monetize the ideas.

Hackensack, May 31, 2022
Restaurants Viability Analytics Videos Series I
The Viability Analytics Groups begins releasing video series on Restaurants Viability Analytics with the Series-I Release on the YouTube for public viewing.

Hackensack, May 30, 2022
Licence & Royalty Servicing Launches
launching Technology Licence Banking by TBank Accounts, the Licence & Royalty Servicing Division formally starts the inception of its operations with public-focus. The Division plans to provide several services in one, for every accountholder of a TBank Account, including infringement monitoring.

Hackensack, May 26, 2022
Technology Brokerage Launches
The Technology Brokerage Division begins inception with the launch of the EnhKnow Technology Exchange: EKTecX Market Place; an exchange for technologies and technologies ideas. Developers and Licensors get to directly or by-proxy have their technologies possibly monetized with listing on the MarketPlace for nominal fee.

Hackensack, May 19, 2022
Founder Workshop Training Schedule
The Founder Workshops system set up has started and should launch within about three months. The set up supports Global Scale Training; and interested participants only need download the Workshop Client software which will install and allow access to the Training materials on the Workshop Server.

Hackensack, April 27, 2022
Oncology Business Operation Spin off
Starting off the core business of venture brokering, Adopter Brokerage Division begins spin-off into newly incorporated legal entity, its internal diagnostics and prognostics oncology business operation setup of critical resources of productivity and production software, having validated the Market Participation Plans over the past one year.

Hackensack, April 25, 2022
Founder Workshop SBU Startup
Continuing the inception of its inherent business units, the firm has begun to assemble the resources for supporting the business operations of the Founder Workshop SBU of the Adopter Brokerage Division. The plan anticipates the full inception of operations to begin in about the Fall, 2022.

Hackensack, March 30, 2022
Computed Prognostics Oncology
Redesigning the oncology services into Products Generations, the Computed Prognostics Oncology venture has designed three product-lines for its Company Business, being defined as the production, marketing and sales of Diagnostic 3D Image Processing Appliances and 2D Diagnostic Scan- and Prognostic Computed- Images.

Hackensack, March 18, 2022
Corporate Computing Facility
In furtherance of stable operations and provisioning Computational Platforms for computations-intensive Ventures, the company has implemented a time-shared computational facility under the management of Managed Adopter Ventures of the Adopter Brokerage Division

Hackensack, February 17, 2022
Ventures In Development
Still on making information of our operations and development readily accessible to investors, we have yet again with pleasure provided access to our activities, Venture in Development, through the Investors Corner on the website and enabled linking to such useful information for the observation of all classes of investors, our customers.

Hackensack, January 26, 2022
Investors Corner

With pleasure to enabling our customers gain quick access to information that may be valuable to them, we have created accordingly the "Investors Corner" menu on the website and enabled linking to such useful information as the data of Viability Analytics we deemed worthy of the observation of all classes of investors, our customers.

Hackensack, December 27, 2021
SARs-CoV2 BioIncinerator.
In light of the persisting infectiousness of the corona virus resulting from various mutations, the firm has asked two affiliates to develop for marketing a portable bioIncinerator capable of destructive incineration of the corona virus biologic for real-time  sanitizing of corporate offices.

Hackensack, October 21, 2021
An affiliate and the developer of our [Viability] Analytics Computations Platform, has leveraged the technology into Frameworks for the BioMedic Computations Platforms, and also agreed to grant the brokering rights to the firm, hence empowered the firm to found ventures on those technologies in the near term    

Hackensack, October 6, 2021
Informed on code development of the computational platform regarding its capability to support founding new ventures, the Adopter Brokerage Division is being formally organized to found --as initial thrust; a venture on computational prognostics oncology.

Hackensack, September 22, 2021
Increased productivity --consequent on the deployment of the Platform Operator Panel; has enabled a faster pace performing of Viability Analytics of Public Companies, resulting in the consequential accumulation and availability  of analytics data for increasing number of companies.

Hackensack, September 16, 2021
Towards re-implementing the Viability Analytics Production System into Distributed Computing Platform, a special Operator Panel for user-operator of the Platform is being implemented as the preferred, and is one of three software designs due implementation for jointly operating and maintaining the Platform.

Hackensack, August 17, 2021
Pleased to be able to contribute to the IT industry - PythonNet Programming, authored by Opubo G Benebo, the Managing Director, got published July 23, 2021. Based on experiential programming, the book teaches rational development of GUI with python.Net GUI programming.

Hackensack, May 17, 2021
In implementation of the semi-independent status of the different Brokerage and Financials Groups, articles on this site are also being placed with the presentations of each Groups. So visitors are advised to view the Brokerage menus to discover published articles.

Hackensack, NJ May 3, 2021
We are pleased to observe that with the licensing of a comprehensive Database Developer software, we have now the tools to build up the company Data Center and implement such databases as are required to support the various corporate activities of our undertakings.

Hackensack, NJ February 2, 2021
We are pleased to yet carve out humanitarian-driven venture founding brokerage aimed at life preservation and healthfulness under Global Adopters brokerage. The adopters, by design, are to be PPPs in the nations and nations communities in which they are formed and resident.

Hackensack, NJ January 6, 2021
Guided with the object of pooling adopters for reduced-cost access to extensive resources, the mining and computing of biotech data for use in Viability Analytics have been abstracted into yet a separate business unit, Biotechnology Data Mining, within the Pool Brokerage division. The data products availability should much alleviate the difficulty of acquiring such data for input to biotechnology computations.

Hackensack, NJ December 28, 2020
Consigned with the Base Technology for supporting the Prognostics Analytics Business of Qualprean, Inc, the firm now boasts a minimal working production system and as such has got engaged on the design and implementation of Data Center for enabling start up production.

Hackensack, NJ December 14, 2020
Ramping up the production volume of the Industry Activity of Corporations Viability Analytics, the firm has started implementing as of today the expansion into 14 Job-Stations of the Mass Production Digital Job-Stations, having been previously evaluated as efficiency enhancing as to proffer relative higher productivity.

Hackensack, NJ October 27, 2020
In a bid for technology unification, the core of the Viability Analytics software has got abstracted into an Analytics Engine and now built upon to redevelop several of the technologies for both adopter and self- licensing.

Hackensack, NJ May 15, 2020
Negotiations are on-going on the founding of a Managed Adopter Venture with Company Business being the manufacture and Sales of Solar Hydro-Thermoelectric Power Plants for deployment in every community in the world.

Hackensack, NJ April 29, 2020
The firm started Marketing & Sales of its baseline service-product, Corporation Viability Analytics, with sending out its premier product brochure to participants of target markets segments.  Markets Participations are currently engaged on in the Financial industry, and the SMB Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Venture  Investment markets.

Hackensack, NJ January 29, 2020
Today under Pool Brokerage Licensing Agreement, an affiliate-developer consigned to the firm the software, Corporation Viability Analyze, First Edition, to support the firms Corporation Viability Analytics Business, currently in launch. A large scale software, it is packaged in several components; and all considered, the firm is able to perform the Viability Analytics of all corporations irrespective of the industry.

Hackensack, NJ August 15, 2019
The packaging of the Pool Brokerage of the firm has been completed and deployments of software already begun; and custom-computational analysis services should start as soon as the software deployment and testing are finalized. Meanwhile hardcopies of products are nonetheless still being produced, and are made available and can be accessed for consumption at Patreon-EnhKnow site

Hackensack, NJ July 26, 2019
Licensing A Biomedics Computations Platform
The affiliate and developer of the Computations Platform has communicated the readiness of the production infrastructure of the BioMedic s Computations Platform: Diseases Prognostic Predictive Analytics for licensing to an adopter that plans on using the platform internally to provide services to clients, and is slated to assume operations before early next year.

Hackensack, NJ May 18, 2019
Enhance Knowledge, has negotiated a self-adoption program, Pool Brokerage,  under which one-to-one one-time many services and one-to-many many-times services have been bundled together for the service of clients. Venture Development Workshops  have also been bundled into this group of services.

Hackensack, NJ January 31, 2019
EnhKnowTM (Enhance Knowledge LLC) has reached an agreement with its affiliates to deploy for the use of the group member-firms, computational platform, Biological Medical (BioMedic)Computations Platform for performing contract computations for clients engaged in medical and microbial research projects

Hackensack, NJ December 26, 2018
EnhKnowTM (Enhance Knowledge LLC) today launched its Venture [Development] Workshops that is presented in webinars. The launching starts off with the coming Live online of the first of the webinars: Fermentation Batch Process-Bioreactor Design Workshop. The firm plans to publish a total of about 100 webinars under this program.

Hackensack, NJ December 20, 2017
EnhKnowTM (Enhance Knowledge LLC) starts off its Adopter Venture Brokerage with the initiation of organizing, Edgewick BioPharmaceutical (Edgewick Corp) for the benefit of would-be public participation.

Hackensack, NJ December 11, 2017
EnhKnowTM (Enhance Knowledge LLC) starts off its Adopter Managed Startup-Venture Brokerage with the organizing of an SBU, EnhKnow Gas Company for the benefit of the technology owners.

Hackensack, NJ June 24, 2015
EnhKnowTM (Enhance Knowledge LLC) has been selected by the Corporations Group including Induss SoftWerks, LLC to become the sole Distributor of the SoftWerksTM brand of software products.

Hackensack, NJ June 8, 2015
Enhance Knowledge LLC has resolved to establish a brand  of Enhknow
TM from today, and operate mostly under the same brand as Trade Mark name.

July 26, 2013
In granting exclusive right of TechnologyIP Licensing to Enhance Knowledge LLC, the company has been delegated by the Coordinate Companies to provide conduit funding to Aningba Scientific Research, Inc  for the development of Wastes Biochemicals Biological Process Technology producing biochemicals and biofuels; further the company will license to Aningba Scientific, based on the logical designs of Induss SoftWerks, LLC, Machine & Process Control Servers software for integration into the Biological Process for the algorithmic control of the process technology, the development time-span of which is estimated at 4 years.

June 24, 2013
Okumaye Publishing Co, Inc has agreed to license through Enhance Knowledge LLC  bundle software package as per specification that Okumaye Publishing requires for conducting its Publishing and Business Operations. Enhance Knowledge LLC expects to starts delivering the software as soon as the foundational requirements are in place,  will undertake the physical design of some of the software using the logical designs of Induss SoftWerks, LLC,  and further expects to complete the delivery in 5 years.

April 3, 2013
Enhance Knowledge LLC has been delegated the role of Software Licensing Technology Broker for several "SoftWerks" brand-name software some of which are currently listed on the Induss SoftWerks, LLC website. In executing the role, the company will also develop and offer Virtual Product Presentations of the software products as the Product Seminars of Induss SoftWerks, LLC

Feb 12, 2013
Although still finishing up the fine details of the logistics of interfacing the technology IP brokering exchange and the brokerage operations of Enhance Knowledge LLC, the TechnologyIP Exchange, has nonetheless been put online even as it is being incrementally burnished and made accessible to developers, licensees and investors.

Hackensack, NJ Jan 14, 2013
Enhance Knowledge, having finally collected together the essential and critical tools and assets required for operating its Technology Brokerage business, is now finally preparing to open its days in 45 days to technology developers, technology investors, and technology adopter entrepreneurs and companies.

Sept 24, 2012
Enhance Knowledge has agreed and delegated to Induss SoftWerks, LLC the development and construction of the Technology Exchange integral to the technology brokerage business, and  consequentially also the development of all necessary mobile applications as will be needed by the technology broker staffs of the company, Enhance Knowledge, for effective transactional exchange of brokering information with the company and with its clients.

Hackensack, NJ June 4, 2012
Effective this day, the Enhance Knowledge LLC no longer offers Training Workshops in Photobioreactor Design and related Process Design matters. Biological Process Technologies related workshops are offered only to staff members of companies that have licensed such technologies from the Enhance knowledge.

Hackensack, NJ May 16, 2012
The Enhance Knowledge LLC has expanded its services to include Knowledge advancement through the provisioning of support for technologies developments by securing finances for such development. The support however is restricted to only one company with which Enhance Knowledge LLC is an affiliate.

Hackensack, NJ Mar 26, 2012
The Hosting Service of this website was changed on Saturday, March 24, 2012, and as a result some degree of inconvenience at accessing the site may have occurred, and we apologize for that.
The site is now online; however, we are still configuring the SSL but expect full functionality within the next three days - by Fri, Mar 30, 2012.
Thank you one and all for your patience.

Hackensack, NJ Feb 23, 2012
The registration process forms are now all fully functional and prospective attendees of our knowledge Impartation facilities may now be able to register without any difficulty.
Thank you one and all for your patience.

Hackensack, NJ Feb 20, 2012
The company with much regrets announces the cancellation of the February Technology Exchange and Broker Services due to the failure of communication between the Paypal Servers and this website in having payment button images sent to the Registration Forms.

Efforts to resolve the matter are ongoing and there is every expectation that the issue will be resolved for the Technology Exchange and Broker Services set for March, 2012

Hackensack, NJ
EnKnow Company schedules to hold its first ever workshop, Photobioreactors Designs Training, on Jan 24 - 26, 2012




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