The performance analysis of a corporation address the dynamics of
the corporation operations, effective the Projective Time-variations
of the Operations and the assessment of he evolution of certain
features over time to for the assessment of the long time impact. In
so doing actually the object is the elicitation of fundamental
structural defect in the composing of the organization and its
Performance Analytics effectively characterizes the market
participation dynamics of the business entity on which the company
plans its existence, and as such helps elicit to the
corporation the market dynamics in which it engages, in further
assessment of the tenability of the rationale for engaging in the
market gap by contrast with the Market Allocation as defined through
the Market Fragmentation dynamics.
Within the
context of these analysis are evaluated the Transitions States:
Initial Public Offering, Bankruptcy Characteristics, Venture Startup
and Distressed Company Evolution. The analyses of these transition
States are often extensive as are the underlying effect on the
evolution of the corporation there form.