IPO-Investment Upvaluing
Investing in a pre-IPO is motivated by the
expectation that stock purchases in an IPO firm will yield some gain
at-IPO reflected with increase of the stock-price; and often such
happens but there are also cases when the stocks lose value.
Generally the valuation of the corporation increases immediately
upon investment because the investment prospectively creates
differential value in the Future Networth of the entity. Of course
the differential Future Network creates a prospective differential
Present Networth, that sources the immediate increase in the
valuation post-investment. So the value of the company increase as
the investments realizes a differential increase at-IPO valuation.
Therefore, a challenge of investing in an IPO company is
ascertaining the prospective upvaluing of the stock as guidance on
the pre-IPO stock price, such that an informed decision can be made
about investing in the IPO.
Analysis and Scope
The firm uses its proprietary software,
Corporations Viability Analyze, deployed into a Digital Process
Factory for perfuming the analysis at a
significantly fast enough pace to generate the analytics of the
features of the corporation, as delineated presently. The
delineations even if seemingly broad-brush attest the
comprehensiveness of the Investment Upvaluing Viability Analytics
towards proffering informed cognizance of the offering. |