Enhance Knowledge
| EnhKnowTM
Technology Brokerage & Royalty Servicing |
Corporations Founding
Venture Development
Funds and Sponsorships |
Funds and Venture Development
The funds promoted here are strictly
for the financing of specific ventures. The sponsorship proceeds
are generally used to establish the structures of the ventures
such as
- hire a Management Team
- file for Regulation A+
- establish Starting Corporate
Funds Sponsorhips |
Ventures of which there is active need for Funds Sponsorships |
Qualprean, Inc |
more |
Analyze Reactors, LLC |
more |
interpreter = "0.23.4"
import js
#js.alert("execing registerInvestor");
def signupFundSponsorship():
status = True;
statusStr = str("");
#js.alert("status string is " + str(statusStr));
DocForm = js.document.getElementById("FundSponsorship")
def signupDataCheck(postForm):
instatus = True;
instatusStr = "";
#js.alert("status is " + str(status));
if len(postForm.fundername.value) <= 0:
instatusStr = instatusStr + str("\nUser Name");
if len(postForm.fundercompany.value) <= 0:
instatusStr = instatusStr + str("\nCompany");
if len(postForm.funderemail.value) <= 0:
instatusStr = instatusStr + str("\nEmail Address");
if len(instatusStr) > 0:
instatus = False;
statusStr = instatusStr;
return [instatus, statusStr];
retvals = []
retvals = signupDataCheck(DocForm);
status = retvals[0]
statusStr = retvals[1]
#js.alert("status is " + str(status));
if (status):
js.alert("Please provide the following listed data\\n " + statusStr + "\\nthat we may render effective service");
#DocForm.action = ""
return True