Enhance Knowledge | EnhKnowTM , LLC
Technology Brokerage & Royalty Servicing


EnhKnowTMCorporate Data-Centers StoreFronts


The Data Centers StoreFronts:

Viability Analytics Data Center
Non-Public access Data Center of the Pool Brokerage Division for the support of investors in need for making informed decisions on the viability of the companies in which they invest

 HealthCare Medicals Guidance Data-Store
Data Center of the Pool Brokerage Division in use of self-Licensed technology for the support of Oncology Research

 Cancer Resource Centers
 Restricted public access Data Center of the Licence Brokerage Division for supporting technology Sales

 Technology Bank
Restricted public access Data Center of the Licence & Royalty Service Division for supporting technology consignment for administration

 Founder Workshop Services
 Several non-public access Data Centers of various types including some of the above ones used to perform Contract works for the governments.



The EnhKnowTM Data Center, is collection of self-serve Data Storefronts supplied from Data warehouses populated with computed data of and from the various Digital Data Production Factories. Often a Division leases, or asks for, specific infrastructure to be designed to support target operations. The Data Center Stores of course are not semi-autonomous as the Brokerage Divisions, but rather under the complete management oversight of the management of the Digital Data Production Center.

The Digital Production Center is the general company-wide data generating and computation facility implemented to comprise the data centers of all firm SBU-companies. The Data Centers respectively perform computation-intensive production operations of Startup Ventures, prototyping of the computation platforms of computations-based would-be ventures, and computational validation of For-Brokering Technologies.



 Data Provisioning Services

The StoreFronts of the Data Center provide the direct access to data for search, review and procurement, making each store-front essentially a Self-service: company.




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