Licensing Financials, the unit of the firm, performing
royalty servicing operations, is a key Division of the firm, and is the
financial services arm of the firm. Accordingly the Division provides
essential technology enabling financial services in addition to the royalty
servicing including royal base development financing through the creation
and management of entities that fund technology development for use-specific
companies. Overall the Division operates three business units: Royalty
Servicing Financials, Royalty Development Financials.
Royalty Development
The Technology Licence Investing is a mechanism by which
technology may be made available to select high-growth potential companies, effectively
availing the licensees, technology that is needed to enable realizing the growth potential
of the licensee in exchange for shares in the licensee legal entity. Enhance
Knowledge by virtue of the authorization it is granted, sometimes negotiates such technology licence investing towards the funding of a licensee-company in an effort to
enable the licensee start operating as soon as it is practicable.