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Equity IP Royalty Trust


A business unit of the Licensing Financials Division, the Equity-IP Royalty Trust creates Trusts with which it develops royalty payment through the funding of adopter-specific technologies which are technologies forming the bases of conditional Technology Licence Agreement conditioned upon technology development  Effectively, the business unit creates and uses Trusts to accumulate funds to finance technology development.

However, the Licensing of the IP that underlie technologies developed by Investment Trust entails a different set of considerations from the generic Technology-IP licensing: The use of Trusts to develop the royalty is also based on the preference of the Trust settlors to become equityholders of the licensee adopter.

Operationally, the Trust is granted Exclusive Transferable Licensing Right by the Developer while the IP ownership remains with the Developer entity. The exclusive Licensing Right, however, is then transferred to the licensee-adopter in exchange for equity in the adopter. Effectively the adopter is automatically granted exclusive Licensing Right, subject to any other prevailing stipulations of the agreement. The equity is invariably distributed to the beneficiary investors and the Trust dissolved subsequently.

Consequent on this mechanism, the business unit also enables companies seeking to operate a specific technology but of limited funds, also be availed with the technology for an irrevocable signed Technology License Agreement.

Invariably, the licensee-adopter pays royalty to the Developer under the royalty servicing agreement of the firm, and the firm in turn relays the royalty to the Developer entity.

 Royalty Trusts Specifics
Royalty Trust Options

Trust used to develop Royalty are broadly of three formats: 

  • Technology Development Trusts

  • Entrepreneur Venture Technology Trusts

  • Emergent Technology Commercial Trusts



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