Corona Virus Science:
Infection Evolution Dynamics: In-Body Spread and Circulation |
Published: September 27, 2020 |
Original Media: LinkedIn |
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The inter-cell spaces in the human body are not fluid but rather
Condensed Soft-Matter, although different in essence from the Condensed
Soft-Matter characterizing the Cells proper, and are closer more to gels
yet different in terms of material rheological properties.
Significantly, the viral RNA discharged into the spaces, resulting from
the rupturing of the infected epithelial cells, as a consequence do not
flow within the spaces and stay confined to the immediate environs of
the breached cells.
So the neighboring cells, being rather easily reachable by diffusion
through the inter-cell spaces, are infected by the viral RNA replicated
as the infection of the epithelial cells, creating an infected region,
albeit, of larger expanse than of the boundary epithelial cells. Yet,
the infected region is bounded and ascribable with a boundary even if
abstract in construct. Of course, with the secondary infected cells
rupturing, the pattern repeats, and indeed repeats until blood vessels
are accessible and then circulation takes off.
The Infection Evolution Dynamics, effectively, is described by a case of
Moving Boundary Problem, proffering guidance to treatment with drugs.