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 Viability Production Analytics for Healthcare Biotechnology Industry
Published: September 13, 2020 Original Media: This Publication
Updated: None

Healthcare Biotechnology companies are, by and large, expected to provide solid stream of ROI being of critical support industry and often of long duration initial corporation life. Most of these corporations have initial corporation life of thirty (30) years. Admittedly, in some respects, these corporations in their essence are specialized forms of Specialty Chemicals companies except for being long-run production producers of large volume biologics suspension and chemical compound of drugs, and usually of low product-count.

The corporation engaging in Market Participations in this industry are commonly characterized by some features, which also invariably guide the evolution through the time-span of the initial corporation life.

Generally, these companies have maturity ages of between ten (10) yrs to fifteen (15) years and as such take very long times to reach maturity. The maturity age usually is when the time span over which the company fully recovers cumulative losses incurred through its venture development stages. Notably, every company usually reaches maturity after two times the duration for from inception taken to attain Critical Mass; so a company that attains critical mass after five (5) years takes another ten (10) years to reach maturity.

Clearly, the long duration maturity age of these companies, raises the possibility that the Market Allocation at the inception of operation may continually suffer changes, which at times will be eroding in size and at other times will be expanding in volume.

As common industry practice, the process of most such companies are designed as mere scale-up from the laboratory bench assembly without actually developing Engineering Bench Scale Model; rather, the designs of most processes are performed on the basis of ratio analysis by which the quotient of the product to a reference raw material is used as a basis to define the reference scale against which the scale up similitude is performed.

As a result of the use of ratio analysis, the concept of chemical kinetics analysis is not well applied, being not well developed for use for the process development. The absence of the kinetics studies and analysis often results in process designs that are not optimal, so it is tenable to accept that the process in use may not be optimal; after all, the design of the reactor based on the use of the applicable chemical kinetics properties greatly impacts the post-reaction quantity of by-products produced, and hence the the post-reaction products Separation Process that is deployed to purify the products.

Almost as a norm also, several of these corporations seldom evolve into Enduring Existence as standalone but rather get acquired by other companies of the industry. The reality is that, a company that takes five years to reach critical mass often go through several series of stock offerings for funding until it attains critical mass.  However, over that period of evolution towards attaining critical mass, the corporation can become so severely financially strained as to put up itself for sale result in the near normal and industry-characteristic acquisitions.

So for viability of a corporation of the industry that has opted to attain Enduring existence as a standalone company, prevailing either as a private company or as a public company with Initial Public Offering, IPO, the company must address several factors to bring about the alternative to the acquisition outcome.

At a minimum, the prospective profile of the Market Allocation changes needs to be monitored to advise the existence or lack thereof of the target markets, and so computationally constructed for the investing guidance, and scoping the operations.

Effectively a corporation engaged in market participation in the industry would necessarily consider a bench scale model development even if in the abstract for developing a computational design for comparison with the operating process design, besides that gives better foundation for Pilot Plants and hence Commercial scale design.

Whether in drugs development or biologic production the reality is that the reaction mechanism in the cell for the use of the drugs, as is also for producing biologics, are occurring not as chemical in solutions but rather as Condensed Soft-Matter suspensions. The physicochemical dynamics of Condensed Soft-Matter are very different from chemicals in solution. Generally biochemical and biologics enzymatic reactions, as is characteristics of most cellular reactions, have complex reaction mechanisms that are best aptly described as biophysicochemical reaction kinetics, being that the reactions are combinations of reactions dynamics of Solid Body, Biologics and Chemical Bonds. The proper integration of these dynamics to constructing the reaction rate constants is not trivial.

While the evaluation of the chemical bonds reaction dynamics may be somewhat involved it is nonetheless reasonably compact and straightforward. However, the capturing of the solid body reactions dynamics is somewhat quite involved and entails extensive computations involving applying the still emerging uncommon field of Biological Thermodynamics being built upon the equally emerging science of Condensed Soft-Matter Thermodynamics.

Because the impacts of these common characteristics of the corporations participating in this industry are somewhat technical, Viability Analytics for evaluating the corporate viability actually can serve in some respects as “viability design guidance”
because the analytics invariably elicit the computational solutions --to the characteristics' impacts; that project viability and so proffer the option for implementing the solutions: The Viability Analytics computational evaluation presumes context of a production process devoid of the delineated aforementioned common characteristics. The determination of the reaction kinetics and rate expression should invariably suggest the use of smaller process or change of operating conditions that should result in higher productivity. The possibly extra-sized Separation Process likely adds to the overall cost of production in the form of costs of waste raw material, higher-than necessary operating cost of separation process, or need for larger than necessary process size for production at viability Break-Even volume.

Consequently, the Viability Analytics of such corporation gets heavily tilted towards performing detailed Production Analytics of the production plant that happens to be very computation intensive: More specifically, for each corporation, the analytics develops the reaction mechanism construction based on the raw materials specified in the patent filed on the drugs or production mechanism of the biologics. Based on the prevailing by-products list, a concept design is then developed and adopted for the rest of the evaluation. The concept process design, however, is contrasted with the existing process whenever access to the existing process design is granted by the corporation. The ready capture of complex physical process layouts in the equivalent virtual forms is but one of the salient essential features of the company’s Production Analytics as performed with the Digital Process Production system that is a core component of the Viability Analytics computations for corporations participating in the Healthcare Biotechnology Industry, the results of which are available for the advisory of investors actively investing in the said industry



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