Enhance Knowledge
| EnhKnowTM
Technology Brokerage & Royalty Servicing |
to the Digital Production Job-Stations |
Communications |
Viability Analytics Digital
Process Production Factory |
Published: May 08, 2020 |
Original Media: This publication |
Updated: None
Although, most times it is advantageous to develop software for
licensing to users, there are also times when software must be developed
for deployment in-house, to provide a specific type of service. In
effect in those times, the software is used as the production means of
fulfilling the service; and at such a time one of the issues that comes up
is the nature of the would-be infrastructure of the deployment of an
otherwise unity-architected software.
In EnhKnow Technology Brokerage, one such challenge had to be addressed.
Significantly the business being supported on the software, Corporation
Viability Analytics, constituted a venture that has as company business
the provisioning of purely computation-intensive service of Investment
Upvaluing- and Safety- viability analyses, and as with all ventures a
production process needed to be designed.
After several operational considerations, a production system got
designed based on workflow layout that is every bit consistent with
Factory floors and Machine Tools Shops layout. The Analytics computational
needs were reset based on a specific Job Routing Planning. Job Stations
were then decided on and each Job Station designed as per the required
computational need of the task. The layout that obtained finally is akin
to Continuous Production Process with computation centers for Job
Station, effectively producing a Digital Process Production Plant,
vis-a-vis Computational Process Production Factory, consisting of a
collection of computing systems each as a job routing stop and with
partially finished work being moved automatically from one Job-Station
to the next, and with the final computed set of analytics data produced
at the last Job-Station.
Certain advantages attend this form of Digital Process Production
Factory design. For one thing it is a digital implementation of the
manufacturing concept of Division of Labour with the consequential high
volume performance. For another it grants the flexibility of
implementing Job-Station specific aggregation of multiple Job-Stations
in constitution of seemingly single Job-Station. This option has the
added benefits of production-load balancing and production leveling
according to the performance-times of job-tasks
These advantages in terms of higher productivity, derivative of the
careful design of the Digital Process Production System design as
reflected in lower cost to the company, consequentially are benefits
that by way of flow-through accrue to the clients using the services.
The firm, EnhKnow Technology Brokerage, is particularly satisfied that
it could at this time avail its clients with these benefits, and is
committed to expanding these advantages over the coming weeks, months and
years. |