Irrespective of the manner by which the trading gets started
-whether by a Client-Licensee or as Client of another Technology Broker, the
negotiation format always follows the
adopted trading process format.
The first of the
terms is the nature of the license being sought by the adopter. The technology licensee must
consider, when deciding to acquire a technology IP Licence, the class of licence for which the technologies
should be acquired amongst the three
different licences: Patent Licence, Product
Technology Licence, and Process Technology Licence.
The Blue-Prints of the process engineering design of Venture
Technology Process Equipment, this documentation provides the
details of the actual fabrication or selection and procurement of
the equipment needed to build the venture development process.
Not wanting to have licensed
technologies bundled up and mot balled somewhere and not deployed
while royalty payments are expected, every agreement has an
explicitly stated Deployment Grace Period over which time span the
technology must be deployed otherwise the Licence declared cancelled
by default and all funds paid declared as forfeit and the complete
adoption package declared abandoned.