Chemical Environment Assay is just the determination of the chemicals, which may be molecules, and
biologics on a specific region of the human body, the specific region being
the definer of the environment.
The determination, of course, is done computationally starting with an input
set of chemicals. In effect the Assay determines changes of input Assay due
to metabolic reactions or enzymatic digestion reactions.
The second aspect of the assay consideration is the evaluation of the functions of the
chemicals of the specific environment with respect to human health.
Yet another consideration not immediately of interest is the body's
utilization of these chemicals in genome construction in particular and
biologic manufacture in general. Although not of immediate consideration, this component of the assay service is critical in addressing such considerations as the utilization of a reference chemical
environment assay in determining changes with respect to specific drugs.
However, Chemical Environment Assay is in essence computational Medical Biological
Reaction Engineering performed as the computational assay of the reactions
of digestion and metabolism, and the performing of the first part of the service is fairly well defined through a computation-intensive platform.
The second part which addresses the matter of utility of Chemical
Environment assay in health-care given a chemical environment.
Several applications are designed of the Assay data, and these can be broadly
grouped into two general categories: Digestion Reaction Chemical Environment Assay, Cellular Metabolism Chemical Environment Assay. Naturally the Digestion Reaction Chemical Environment necessarily is
ultimately the input into the Cellular Metabolism Chemical Environment.
The Service Offering
So as an evolutionary issue, the Digestion Reaction Chemical Environment is
the basis of the service being provided in two formats:
Predictive Digestion Chemical Environment,
Diagnostic Digestion Chemical Environment
with the former being the introduction product to be followed later with the latter.
Predictive Digestion Chemical Environment Assay
This data-products set of the service consists meal-based chemical environment assay data-products demarcated accoring to the alimentary canal, and diseases environement chemicals based assay data-products. The food-based assay products consists of these:
- Buccal Digestion Reaction Assay
- Stomachal Digestion Reaction Assay
- Intestinal Digestion Reaction Assay
The diseases based data-products are intrinsically based on Diseases and
Biomarker medical Biochemistry. Essentially, the exudes of non performing or
diseases cells become part of the environment chemicals and then diffuse
through the body with impact on all bioreaction dynamics including saliva
production in the saliva glands. Naturally the Assay of the saliva including
the biomarkers are used as input into the Chemical Environment Assay
- Biomarkers Loopback Assay
- Loopback Circles and Health Factors
Diagnostics Chemical Environment Assay
This data-products set of the service is in essence an Inverse Predictive Digestion Chemical Environment Assay, because a chemical environment is known, and the conditions causing that environment are being determined, which is Medical Biological Forensics of sorts. The inverse computation scheme is used in generating data-products of
- Infections Forensics
- Intestinal Forensics
all the same all the products are as delineated to the data-products frame.
Chemical Environment Assay
Data-Products |
The varied data-products of Chemical environmet
Assay are as delineated here for the consideration
Infections Forensics |
Stool Analysis, often used to diagnose specific types of infections, is just as useful for Infection Forensics when data obtaining from a generic stool analysis is fed as input into retro-Metabolism Chemical Environment Assay
Intestinal Forensics |
Alimentary walls discharges into the digestion tracks are utilized by the microbiome, the extent of which depends on the duration of utilization and affects stool analysis. RetroMetabolism Chemical Environment Assay informs on all data. |