The temperature of Earth has been rising consistently over several years
and numerous reasons have been given for the rise. While all the reasons
proffered seem to be valid, and none can be categorical discarded, the
attitude of the firm is to only work on those reasons for which the firm
can proffer a contribution be it an actual solution to the global
warming or not. The development of the approach is more of hedging the
bet just in case the reason for rise is man made discharge of green
house gas into the atmosphere.
Accordingly, the firm is pursuing two thrust of activities aimed at
enabling a smooth transition of the energy industry from use of fossil
fuel resources to the use of non-fossil fuel resources. One approach has
the object of utilizing solar energy as a means of electric power
instead of fossil fuel. The other approach has the object of production
of biofuels for the use by automobiles and manufacturing facilities
already built on combustion technologies.
Solar Energy Electric Power
This approach entails setting up Electric Power Companies all over the
World which utilizes as the such of energy, the incident solar energy --both optical and radiant heat; and
using transducers to convert the energy into electricity for
company-specific supplies as well as community supply facilities
Biofuel Process Companies:
This approach uses algae as the resource for the production of
carbohydrates and sugar, and cellulose for feed into Biorefinery for the production
of biobutanol, a
biofuel of nearly the same quality and properties as gasoline. and other
such by-products including glycerine. |