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SARs Corona Virus- 2 Science Framework
Replication Mechanism
Research |
Corona Virus Science: Vaccine Efficacy Question: On Adenovirus Vaccines |
Published: October 13, 2020 |
Original Media: LinkedIn |
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The adenovirus is a chimpanzee infecting virus that has been deemed
noninfectious to humans. However, the adenovirus, unlike the corona
virus - an RNA-virus, is a retrovirus and with the infection mechanism
of transforming its RNA into a DNA which then encodes new viral RNA for
replicating infection in other cells.
As per public domain information the biochemical or molecular biological
construction of vaccine from the adenovirus entails extracting the viral
RNA from the capsid, modifying the RNA with gene(s) from the
vaccine-target virus to develop a constructed novel RNA (the
vaccine-RNA), which then gets tested for its capacity to induce the
immune system to produce antibodies against the target virus.
During the human trial, the vaccine is injected into the human body, the
capsid releases the vaccine-RNA into the cell, the RNA enters the
nucleus and transforms into the DNA that then starts replication the
alleged vaccine-RNA into the body to induce the immune system to produce
antibodies. Yet the antibodies production inducing biological reaction
mechanism is unknown, as is whether the adenovirus RNA genes retained in
the vaccine-RNA become otherwise active in the human body. |