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Cancer Team
Cancer Treatments

Treatment-Specific Cure Guidance


Cancer Ignition-Properties Bioactivity Guidance

By the Cancer Essence, effectively, there occurs a defect in a biologic of the cell which biologic evolves into Defect Stressor so induces and sustains cancerous condition. So far about 400 cancerous types have been determined, with limited uniqueness to each type.

Attempts at developing chemical drug treatments have been on going; and in fact, only recently there obtained a cancer case history in which some drugs, albeit cocktail, have completely unexpectedly cured the cancer, by which is meant the cancer was no longer found on subsequent medical examination, as in the case of the colorectal cancer treatment. Yet the curativeness of the known drugs and the manner by which the Defect Stressor, more specifically, was destroyed seems unexplained, as there has been no reaction mechanism based explanation and the relation to any Defect Stressor.

In effect there has been no clear assertion of the role of boundary either of the cancer mass, or cell cytoplasm, that have factored in the suggested explanation of the curativeness of the observed cure. The construction of a mechanism including both bio-condensation and pure chemical reaction between the drug substances and the Defect Stressor context would be insightful and serve as a good guidance towards use of same drugs as bases of new drugs design for the cure of other types of cancer

Yet it seems reasonable to infer that the outcome suggests that the administered drug cocktail enabled an inadvertent targeting of the intrinsic Defect Stressor of the specific class of colorectal cancer. In effect establishing the curativeness of known cancer cures in the context of a Cancer Ignition Hypothesis --derivative of the Warburg Hypothesis; as can be inferred from the elicitations of the reaction mechanisms, vis-à-vis bioactivity, of a medication-drug and the cancer-matrix biologics, would be empowering to medical professionals engaged in the treatment of cancer.

The well-publicized cure of Colorectal Cancer offers a case history for retroactively determining the bioactivity mechanism by which the known cure worked: The bioreaction mechanism of the administered drugs towards the destruction of the cancer-matrix biologics including the Defect Stressor. The elicitation and compilation of cure-contexts, being published on the Cancer Treatment Bioactivity Analysis, would be invaluable for guidance for future cure of same-type cancer.

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