Biosynthesis Computing Center
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Cancer Treatments

Cancer Cure Research Activity

Cancer Medications Bioactivity-Mechanisms and Curativeness
So curing cancer, being the reversal of the accelerated growth of metabolism gone awry until or including the biophagy of the defective biologic, as observed can be accomplished with medications, carefully chosen or pre-determined as having the requisite curativeness. Yet, the latter, however, proffers relative advantage.

Agreed, curative drugs-cocktails have been found by trial and error, and admittedly such finds are critical because, effectively, case histories of cure by medications empower such treatments to be practised by other medical professionals; even so, though, offering treatment on the promise of potential for cure based on historical outcomes or even potential for slowed-down growth also of historical observation are not provisors of comfort to patients. More definitive assurances would be more appropriate. Offer of treatments provoking confidence in patients would be better grounded when based on a treatment chemistry that is tenable.

In this regard then, the use of predetermined-as-curative medications would be better advisable. Computationally evaluating "Bioactivity Mechanisms and Curativeness" of cancer medications therefore proffer significant milestones towards the cure of cancers. Such recognition motivates the Center to the end of constructing bioactivity contexts of cancer medications of interest, being cocktail designs on mostly drugs already approved by the regional drug administration governmental agencies, which in the US is the FDA.

Even so, the Center assigns more weight to collaborative work with medical doctors, cancer researchers, and pharmacists all over the world confronting the thorn of cancer in their patients and seek to provide guidance on drugs-cocktails in mind for computational evaluation. Particularly of interest are even some drugs which have to determined to just reduce the rate of growth. By this route the Center commits to at disposable of medical professional, particularly oncologists, a facility capable of ascertaining the bioactivity mechanism of cocktails, and in effect, avail a medical professional basis for evaluating drugs-cocktails as possible cure for specific cancers --by which is meant the cancer was no longer found on subsequent examinations. Indisputably, for each submitted cocktail, the Medications Bioactivity Mechanism and Curativeness computed analytics remains the proprietary intellectual property of the submitter professional,

Of course, the Center itself also works with its own medical professional and research team to design cocktails that it evaluates and makes available to professional for procurement for prescription. However, this Center-specific computational research extends at times to include the sleuthing of the Defect Stressor. So then a validated Defect Stressor so sleuthed empowers the team in designing the cocktail prescription, the curativeness of which approach is based on such knowledge of structure bio-condensation reactions mechanism as should be.

Systemic-Cancers Treatment Guidance
Although, while cancer is localized or of localizable type, treatments can include medication with drug --because the rate of growth is slower than the rate of circulation of the blood that carries the medication to the cancer location; that treatment is not so appropriate when the cancer is systemic. Admittedly, drug medications can be systemic yet in these cases when cancer is systemic, the speed of delivery of the treatment to every possible locale of the cancer cells is of the utmost, or so to say, directed by the urgency of now.

Indeed, though cancers are often thought of as localized, cancer affliction can be systemic such as when of the non-localizing types such as blood cancers, because the blood circulation is systemic or when the localizing cancer, metastasizes after expansive growth in the human body and therefore transforms from a localized affliction to a systemic affliction

Treatments for such cancers for cure are most effective when the means of treatments also enable rapid systemic application. So curing cancer, being the reversal of the accelerated growth of metabolism gone awry until or including the biophagy of the Defect Stressor, as observed can be accomplished with induced prolonged asphyxiation leading to necrosis, or with forced denaturation of conformal structure leading self exposure alert of immune cells destruction.

Given the options of use of Forensic Map and Ignition Hypothesis for discovering the defective gene, derivative technology -- the Non-Invasive Biologics-Biophagism Technologies; can be used and be efficacious to the end of fastest delivery of treatment. Systemic Cancer treatment specificity can be effected with the deployment as the driver technology being either of the Magnetoradiation class or of the RadioDenaturation type.

Effectively the capacity for Forensic Maps and Hypothetic Constructed Defect Stressor construction is of mission critical import in treatments of systemic Cancers.

Genome Facility
The Genome facility is the primary support of the Cancer Treatment Guidance developing process. The facility is the first tier support in the generating the Guidance.  Effectively, the facility enables the computer-aided virtual biosynthesis of the genome of cells, and as such of any cell in any part of a living organism, unicellular or multi-cellular, prokaryote or eukaryote or archaea. In essence the output of the facility is the collection of all possible versions of the gene that could form the genome of a specific cell.

The flexibility of the Facility is unmatched in the sense that it incorporates the chemical environment of the blood of the cancer patient as an input into the process of constructing the genes. In that regard the Facility brings to bear a level of ethnic specificity of the cancer patient by considering the type of food consumed regularly by the patient in course of characterizing the Chemical environment of the blood and hence of the cell.

Though developed for use in the study of cancer, the Genome Facility is particularly is particularly advantageous in enabling the production of virtual form of genes of any conceivable structure and geometry and can obtain in real life in the context of the human body, whether or such has been determined empirically in a laboratory. The capability opens up the field of biology of all life's to the study of biochemistry, Biophysics and metabolic chemical reactions and kinetics, otherwise difficult to study.

This capacity derives from the implementation of two foundational features: Chemical Environment prevailing, and Bio-condensation -- an innovative proprietary reaction class concept; that are significant in lending both flexibility and expansiveness of
implementation of the virtual biosynthesis of the genome, of all conceivable compositions of the genes

Contributions of Lifestyle, such as drinking, smoking and illegal-drugs use, to the occurrence of  cancer  are also  reflected in the genome being captured through the virtual-biosynthesis implementation. This is made possible because of the capacity of further specialization of the key feature of Chemical  Environment with the substances representation of the lifestyle of consideration, and so able to perform epigenetics studies by simple variations of the chemical environment

Other lifestyle matters such as feeding habits, living standard and ventilation, exposure to toxic materials and substances, and other metabolism impacting factors such as age-related matters are also ready integrated into the genome context but in this case through the easy of implementation of the Warburg hypothesis in the design of the bio-condensation mechanism of gene virtual biosynthesis. Generally all health-related shortcomings that predicate the contexts of the Warburg hypothesis is easily incorporated into the genome biosynthesis using the mechanism representation of the hypothesis.

In fact, the facility is readily enabled to specialize the obtaining genome variants to reflect endemicity again by specializing the Chemical Environment to clusters of regionally endemic food, and hence elicit the ethnicity-dependent cancer incidences with endemic genome

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